PCB Electronic Assembly Equipment, Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Spare Parts Supplier

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Home > JUKI / Zevatech SMT Spare Parts > JUKI Zevatech SMT Feeder Accessories

JUKI Zevatech ATF AF Type SMD Component Feeder Accessories SMT Feeder Part E1510706C00 PLUNGER SP

Feature : JUKI Zevatech ATF AF Type SMT SMD Feeder Accessories. Part Number: E1510706C00. Part Name: PLUNGER SP. For 8x2mm 8x4mm 12mm 16mm 24mm Feeder. AQ02HP AF05HP AN05HP AF08HE AF081P AF081E AN08HE AF081C AF121S AF122S AF123S AF12FS AF12NS AF161S AF162S AF163S AF16FS AF16NS 2AF242S AF243S AF244S AF245S AF246S AF24FS AF24NS AF24FS-OP Embossed_Paper Feeder


Brand : JUKI

Unit : PC(s)

We offer JUKI Zevatech ATF AF Type SMD Component Feeder Accessories SMT Feeder Part E1510706C00 PLUNGER SP. Pls contact sales@smtbox.com.
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